Could You Have Prediabetes?

Prediabetes means you have a higher-than-normal level of blood sugar. The cells in your body may not respond normally to insulin – but not enough to be classified as type 2 diabetes yet. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows blood sugar into the cells to be used for energy and other processes.
If you’re approaching type 2 diabetes, your cells probably don’t respond normally to insulin already. Reducing high levels of body fat and cell inflammation can efficiently improve blood sugar levels.
Hormonal changes from minimally invasive surgery can also enhance the function of the pancreas, which further helps insulin and glucose regulation.
Symptoms of Prediabetes May be Hard to Spot
Studies show that most people with prediabetes go on to develop full-fledged type 2 diabetes within 10 years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about 98 million American adults — more than 1 in 3 — may have prediabetes right now.
Diabetes symptoms can subtly develop and progress for months or years without being diagnosed. In fact, nearly 80% of patients with prediabetes are unaware they have it, says the CDC.
Could you have signs of prediabetes and not know?
Fatigue – Fluctuations in blood sugar can affect energy and contribute to feelings of exhaustion.
Increased thirst – As the body tries regulating glucose through urine, it can lead to frequent nighttime bathroom trips.
Blurry vision – Changes in vision may occur due to blood sugar levels affecting fluid balance in the eyes.
Extreme hunger – People with prediabetes may feel starving because the body’s unable to regulate sugars and metabolize food properly.
What causes prediabetes?
Genetics. Your DNA plays a significant role in the development of prediabetes. A family history of diabetes (siblings or parents) increases the risk. Genetic factors can also influence insulin resistance.
Age. The risk of prediabetes increases with age, especially after age 45. This may be due to factors you can’t help like declining amounts of muscle which is due to natural aging.
Risk of diabetes also increases with:
- An inactive, sedentary lifestyle
- History of gestational diabetes
- Significantly overweight over time
Prediabetes can be managed with care
Prediabetes is associated with increased risk of so many serious weight-related conditions like heart attack, high cholesterol and a shorter life span.
Practical lifestyle changes you can practice:
- Learn how and when to test blood sugar.
- Recognize signs of unbalanced blood sugar.
- Start a low-fat and low-sugar diet.
- Monitor feet, skin and eyes to catch issues early.
Once the patient is aware of the precondition, prediabetes can be managed and even prevented. At Manatee Weight Loss Center in Florida, the care team for diabetes treatment and weight-loss procedures might include a primary care doctor, pharmacist, foot doctor, dentist, eye doctor, registered dietitian and diabetes educator.
Ciera is 100 pounds lighter and feels great!
Ciera Lemoniades is a former weight-loss patient at Manatee Weight Loss Center in Bradenton, FL. She lost just over 100 pounds after gastric sleeve surgery. “[At that weight] I was told that I’d need cholesterol medication soon, and that I was already prediabetic. The weight finally caught up to me. I started planning the gastric sleeve procedure.”
Ciera’s providers were helpful throughout months of pre-surgical requirements and evaluations. She says, “Since my surgery, I’m down over 100 pounds. I’m grateful that I made the decision to have it done. It’s helped me be more active in everyday life.”
Eligible for weight-loss surgery?
To lose weight at Manatee Weight Loss Center, fill out a patient interest form or call 941-254-4957.
Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any surgical procedure. Talk with your doctor about these risks to find out if bariatric surgery is right for you.